Astrology of Plagues:
Pandemics in the Light of Star Wisdom
Brian Gray, Robert Schiappacasse, & David Tresemer, Ph.D.
A Three-Part Series I Recorded August 2020
The pandemic presently gripping the world shows signs of continuing to harass humanity for some time. A study of pandemics through history reveals interesting patterns that we will share. Spiritual science helps us to find causes and responses, assisted by an understanding of events in the life of Christ. Seen historically or mytho-poetically, exploring these patterns and responses can strengthen us to deal with our challenging times.
What's Included
A three-part webinar series recorded in August 2020, this course includes six hours of video recordings, along with handouts and worksheets for each session.
The Astrology of Plagues course goes beyond personal biography to world events, yet comes back to a reflection of how you as an individual can respond in your life.

Patterns in Pandemics
Session 1: Patterns in Pandemics
... as seen through the lens of star wisdom. We'll examine the present pandemic and a dozen others through history, all the way back to the Plague of Athens in the 5th century BCE, to show patterns in celestial events in relation to the phenomena of plagues.

Background to Pandemics
Session 2: Background to Pandemics
... as seen through spiritual science. The spiritual research of the founder of anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner, points to unexpected and surprising causes and effects of pandemics, with which each of us must grapple.

Assistance from Christology
Session 3: Assistance from Christology
Whether you appreciate Christ events as history or as mytho-poetic artistic activity, understanding the Christ impulse can help us find our place and roles in the present drama.

Astrology of Plagues: Pandemics in the Light of Star Wisdom
A three-part webinar series, this course includes six hours of video recordings, along with handouts and worksheets for each session.
$90 USD
Members: $50
Astrology of Plagues: Pandemics in the Light of Star Wisdom
Brian Gray, Robert Schiappacasse & David Tresemer, Ph.D.
This three-part series includes patterns and backgrounds to pandemics, as well as assistance from Christology, to support you during these times.
About the Facilitators

Brian Gray has been a student of Anthroposophy since 1976, and of astrology since 1966. He has been a teacher of subjects related to Anthroposophy and star wisdom at Rudolf Steiner College for 38 years. Brian is also the author of star wisdom articles (published in the Journal for Star Wisdom) and is a presenter of several video courses on

Robert Schiappacasse has been involved for many years as a national leader in the Waldorf and independent school movement, serving in leadership roles and as an advisor for North American Waldorf schools on school administration, organization, and governance. Robert began studying astrology in 1971, and later studied with astrosophy pioneer Willi Sucher. He has been a student of Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy for more than 40 years. Robert is the author of star wisdom articles (published in the Journal for Star Wisdom), and is the co-author of the book Star Wisdom & Rudolf Steiner.

David Tresemer, Ph.D. is the founder of the StarHouse in Boulder, Colorado, and the developer of the Solar Cross system for the “star poem” qualities of each of the 360 zodiacal degrees. He has been an organic/biodynamic farmer and written The Scythe Book: Mowing Hay, Cutting Weeds, and Harvesting Small Grains with Hand Tools, which has sold a thousand copies every year for forty years. He is the author of star wisdom articles (published in the Journal for Star Wisdom and other books), and is the co-author of the book Star Wisdom & Rudolf Steiner. David is editor and contributor to The Counselor… As If Soul and Spirit Matter, and the past president of the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology.
What participants are saying...
“In the last session someone voiced that it was a healing experience. To attend to the deeper meaning of Covid-19 through the process of the three sessions was deeply healing, for it took to heart a living relationship between the Stars and human experience, over ages of time, and brought to consciousness the dialogue that is made visible thereby. After the first session I woke during the night knowing the presence and activity of humility and reverence for Cosmic Wisdom; this was engendered by the attentiveness each of you has given to the planets and stars in relation to plagues and pandemics, the careful devoted work of observing and listening. To be given the chance to attend with you is a gift of great substance and healing effect. To learn to perceive the qualities of the Beings of the Planets and stars in the way that we have through this experience and bow with reverence towards them is deeply humanising. You are etched into my heart’s fabric through this. Thank you warmly.” – AD
“I was so filled with new information. I can say that a person without much astro knowledge could still follow your thought. The stars above set the stage for human activity. I am motivated to increase my understanding of the star configurations. This is now solidly justified within my studies and I am very grateful for this.” – RR
“I enjoyed the program immensely. It was a huge ‘download,’ especially coming as it had to, on zoom. I wouldn’t want it trimmed or the content slowed down though. I found all of the breakout questions to be stimulating, most especially working with them later. Every expansion I heard from all 3 speakers was helpful. I LOVED IT! THANK YOU!!” – MT
“I am so grateful to have our three presenters bring us such an announcement of a ‘spiritual view’ of the challenges of our pandemic moment that places it in historical context through the lens of Astrosophy and Steiner’s ‘teachings.’ (So grateful, indeed, that I nominated our intrepid presenters as my ‘forerunners,’ anticipating that in due time I will look back on this course they bring to us as the heroic deed(s) that caught my attention and inspired my intention to go as deeply as I can into the waters they’re swimming in… exciting indeed!) My congratulations and many thanks to all who contributed! Looking forward to more! while ‘digesting’ the material presented here.” – DN